Tariq Ali

30 Aralık 2002
Who made an outstanding contribution to world peace? And who committed crimes against good taste? The Independent asked the year's movers, shakers and troublemakers for their nominations
09 Aralık 2002
Jimmy Carter gets his peace prize next week. Just don't mention Nicaragua, Korea or East Timor
01 Ekim 2002
Greetings from Nablus which has been languishing under a continuous curfew imposed by the Israeli military since June 20th with only sporadic lifting for a few hours every two weeks or so. Every single dimension of social, economic, cultural, and human life has been disrupted.
30 Eylül 2002
The week before the march, New Labour issued the so-called Blair dossier, a farrago of half-truths and stale facts that was a very crude attempt at war propaganda. It backfired miserably.
21 Mayıs 2002
Yazar, sinemacı ve düşünür Tarık Ali ile Ömer Madra, 'Fundamentalizmler Çatışması' (Everest Yayınları) isimli kitabı hakkında konuştu. Tarık Ali bu çarpıcı söyleşide Amerikan imparatorluğunu, terörle savaşının daha büyük bir 'geritepme'ye neden olacağını, medyanın bağlılığını, Çin'i bölme planlarını ve İslam dünyasının reform ihtiyacını anlattı.
10 Aralık 2001
The Pandora's box of the American empire is still open, releasing its monsters and fears on a world still not fully under its control. The Northern Alliance is a confederation of monsters.
30 Kasım 2001
Much has been said in recent days about the instability of Pakistan. But the danger lies not so much within the population as a whole, where religious extremists are a small minority (more confessional votes are cast in Israel than Pakistan), as within the Army
22 Kasım 2001
I was arrested at Munich airport at 7am yesterday. After one day of interviews and book signings and two days spent at a Goethe Institute seminar on "Islam and the Crisis", I was desperate for a cup of coffee. I checked in and soon my hand luggage was wending its way through the security machine.
22 Kasım 2001
Every war needs its writers. But as long as they are excluded from the battle zone the Afghan conflict will never capture the popular imagination - and we will never know the truth
21 Kasım 2001
Birkaç yıl önceki Pakistan gezisinde eski bir generalle bölgedeki islami militan grupları hakkında konuşuyordum. Soğuk savaşın başından sonuna kadar Birleşik devletlerden gelen para ve silahları mutlulukla kabul eden bu insanların bir anda nasıl vahşice anti-amerikan olduklarını sordum.
19 Kasım 2001
The PDPA which had a strong base in the army and air force carried out a coup d'etat in 1978, toppling the corrupt regime of Daoud. The people welcomed the change. The PDPA was initially popular. It pledged important social reforms and democracy.
12 Kasım 2001
On a trip to Pakistan a few years ago I was talking to a former general about the militant Islamist groups in the region. I asked him why these people, who had happily accepted funds and weapons from the United States throughout the cold war, had become violently anti-American overnight.