George Monbiot

06 Eylül 2006
If the IMF wants to reform itself, why not try democracy?
29 Ağustos 2006
Sulphate pollution killed hundreds of thousands of Africans. A plan to use sulphur to fight climate change risks the same
28 Ağustos 2006
Labour seems to see the escalating dangers in the Middle East as little more than an opportunity for business
16 Ağustos 2006
The failure of the attack on Lebanon has left the Israeli people less secure, but it has done nothing to dent the generals' power
08 Ağustos 2006
The assault on Lebanon was premeditated - the soldiers' capture simply provided the excuse. It was also unnecessary
02 Ağustos 2006
Geçen birkaç gün içinde ABD, İngiltere'nin de desteğiyle, acil bir ateşkes ilan edilmesine yönelik tüm uluslararası girişimleri engelleyerek İsrail'e açıkça Lübnan'a yönelik saldırılarına devam etme izni verdi.
01 Ağustos 2006
A US leader in his second term should have the power to rein in Israel. But George Bush is no ordinary president
17 Temmuz 2006
Some of the arguments against nuclear power are no longer valid, but it remains the wrong technology.
22 Haziran 2006
We need omega-3 oils for our brains to function properly. But where will they come from?
14 Haziran 2006
The green rebranding of Shell and BP is a fraud. Far from switching to biofuels, it's drilling and devastation as usual
08 Haziran 2006
The atrocities in Iraq surprise us only because we ignore colonial history.
31 Mayıs 2006
Why Won't Anyone Enforce Our Building Standards?
11 Mayıs 2006
The £95 million that private companies extracted from a hospital project was not a mistake, but a deliberate gift from the government.
03 Mayıs 2006
If governments really want to improve law and order, they should ban adverts for junk food
01 Mart 2006
We all know the damage aviation does, but the government and the airlines want to turn the country into Airstrip One
15 Şubat 2006
Labour's First Full-scale Privatisation Involves The Multiple Fleecing Of The Taxpayer
31 Ocak 2006
Wealth itself can be a source of deprivation, when property paranoia makes us hate each other
24 Ocak 2006
The most destructive effect of the carbon offset trade is that it allows us to believe we can carry on polluting
29 Aralık 2005
Why do so few people know about the atrocities of empire?
27 Aralık 2005
It's not just the common agricultural policy: the corporate sector relies on state handouts that dwarf their profits
27 Aralık 2005
It is not illegal to discuss the millions who were killed under our empire. So why do so few people know about them?
20 Aralık 2005
The car is slowly turning us, like the Americans and the Australians, into a nation that recognises only the freedom to act
16 Aralık 2005
Daha fazlasını değil, daha azını talep eden ilk politik kitle hareketi bu. Daha azla yetinme peşinde sokaklara dökülen ilk hareket. Konforumuzun kısılmasını talep eden ilk hareket. Kimse bunun kolay olacağını söylemesin. Başkalarına değil, kendimize karşı da mücadele vermek zorundayız.
14 Aralık 2005
It's not just the common agricultural policy: the entire corporate sector relies on state handouts that dwarf their profits
06 Aralık 2005
For the first three million years of human history, we lived according to circumstance. Our lives were ruled by the happenstances of ecology. We existed, as all animals do, in fear of hunger, predation, weather and disease.
06 Aralık 2005
By promoting biodiesel as a substitute, we have missed the fact that it is worse than the fossil-fuel burning it replaces
22 Kasım 2005
We now know the US also used thermobaric weapons in its assault on Falluja, where up to 50,000 civilians remained
16 Kasım 2005
Now we know napalm and phosphorus bombs have been dropped on Iraqis, why have the hawks failed to speak out?
02 Kasım 2005
Air pollution kills many times more people than passive smoking, but Britain has failed even to meet feeble EU standards
01 Kasım 2005
İklim değişikliği meselesini ciddiye alan bizler gibi insanların göğüslemek zorunda olduğu iki önemli sorun var. Bunlardan birincisi şu: Hiç olmazsa tarihi açıdan söyleyebiliriz ki, tutumlu olmak, yani azla yetinmek konusunda şimdiye kadar sokaklara dökülmüş, isyan etmiş hiç kimse yoktur.