Arundhati Roy

28 Ocak 2004
Yeni misyonerler, adaletin elden gitmesi pahasına düzen istiyorlar. Haysiyet pahasına disiplin. Ve, her ne pahasına olursa olsun, hükümranlık. Bazılarımızı "tarafsız" şirket medya platformlarında "tartışmaya" davet ediyorlar.
23 Ocak 2004
Our project was the World Social Forum. Theirs--to further what many call the Project for the New American Century.
30 Haziran 2003
Outside America, the American free press has become the butt of some pretty dark humor and nobody now it's contextualized you know.
03 Haziran 2003
Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates. How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words?
20 Mayıs 2003
As we lurch from crisis to crisis, beamed directly into our brains by satellite TV, we have to think on our feet. On the move. We enter histories through the rubble of war.
20 Nisan 2003
"Başkan Bush, yazarların, aktivistlerin ve akademisyenlerin on yıllardır yapmaya çalıştığını başardı. ABD imparatorluk aygıtının tüm aksamını, vidaları, somunları ve mekanizmalarıyla kamuoyunun gözleri önüne serdi..."
02 Nisan 2003
How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words? And now the bombs are falling, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilisation
06 Haziran 2002
This week as diplomats' families and tourists quickly disappeared, journalists from Europe and America arrived in droves.
21 Mayıs 2002
Who is she when she's at home?
21 Kasım 2001
Dünya insanları Taliban ve ABD hükûmeti arasında bir seçim yapmak zorunda değiller. Medeniyetin olanca güzellikleri - sanatımız, müziğimiz, edebiyatımız - bu iki köktenciliğin, iki ideolojik kutbun ötesinde bir yerde yatıyor.
21 Kasım 2001
In the aftermath of the unconscionable September 11 suicide attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre, an American newscaster said: "Good and evil rarely manifest themselves as clearly as they did last Tuesday. People who we don't know massacred people who we do.
19 Kasım 2001
In the aftermath of the unconscionable September 11 suicide attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre, an American newscaster said: "Good and evil rarely manifest themselves as clearly as they did last Tuesday. People who we don't know massacred people who we do.