Inside/Outside Kayıt Arşivi

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Inside Outside 27 Ağustos 2012

Inside Outside 27 Ağustos 2012

Inside Outside 27 Ağustos 2012

Inside Outside 27 Ağustos 2012

14 Kasım 2012
Inside Outside 19 Mart 2012

Inside Outside 19 Mart 2012

Inside Outside 19 Mart 2012

Inside Outside 19 Mart 2012

14 Kasım 2012
inside outside 12 Mart 2012

Inside Outside'da bu hafta konu İran idi, geçen hafta meclis seçimleri vardı, bunun dışında daha genel olarak siyasi durum, Türkiye-İran ilişkileri, İranlıların nükleer programı üzerine düşündükleri ve benzeri konulara girdik. Bunu geçen iki hafta İran'da bulunan ve hem İstanbul hem Tahran'dan Alman ARD radyosu için muhabirlik yapan Reinhard Baumgarten ile tartıştık. Our topic today was Iran where elections took place last week-end, but we more generally also talked about the political and social situation, the fate of the opposition, the nuclear program and what Iranians think about it and related issues. Our guest was German Radio ARD's head of office in Istanbul and Tehran, Reinhard Baumgarten, who has a broad Middle East experience as the ARD's correspondent for the Middle East from Cairo (2001-2006) and until summer 2011 as the responsible for the topics Islam and Middle East at the ARD's studio in Stuttgart.

inside outside 12 Mart 2012

inside outside 12 Mart 2012

13 Mart 2012
inside outside 20 Subat 2012

Inside Oustide'da bu hafta eski Suriye büyükelçisi Mohammed Bassam al-İmadi ile Suriye'nin şu andaki durumu, muhalefetin özellikle Suriye Ulusal Konseyi'nin görüşlerini, BM'nin, komşu ülkelerinin ve Türkiye'nin rolünü, Özgür Suriye Ordusu'nun durumu ve Assad'sız gelecekteki senaryoları tartıştık. Today we talked about the current situation in Syria, the positions of the opposition especially of the Syrian National Council, the role of the UN, the neighbouring countries and especially Turkey and future scenarios for the post-Assad period. Our guest was former Syrian ambassador to Sweden Mohammed Bassam al-Imaid who has been living in Istanbul since late 2011.

inside outside 20 Subat 2012

inside outside 20 Subat 2012

06 Mart 2012
inside outside 27 Subat 2012

This week we discussed with Piotr Zalewski, Turkey correspondent of Polish weekly Polytika, Turkey's changing foreign policy, Turkey's role during the Arab spring and again Turkey-Syria relations.

inside outside 27 Subat 2012

inside outside 27 Subat 2012

06 Mart 2012
inside outside 5 Mart 2012

This week we talked with Ulrike Dufner, director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Istanbul about the situation of German foundations in Turkey, legal problems and current projects.

inside outside 5 Mart 2012

inside outside 5 Mart 2012

06 Mart 2012
inside outside 13 Subat 2012

Inside Oustide'da bu hafta konumuz Finlandiya'ydı, Cumhurbaşkanı seçimleri, Finlandiya politikası, örneğin Türkiye'de de konu olan True Finns (Gerçek Finliler) partisinin etkisi ve Türkiye-Finlandiya ilişkileri (siyasi, ekonomik, kültürel). Konuğumuz Finlandiya Radyo ve Televizyonu YLE'nin Türkiye muhabiri Lotta Nuotio'ydu, kendisi 2008'den beri İstanbul'da. Today our topic was Finland where presidential elections were held on 5 February, besides this talked about Finnish politics, the current government and its view on foreign policy, the influence of the True Finns party, Turkey-Finland relations etc.. Our guest was Lotta Nuotio, Finnish TV and radio journalist for YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company) who has been working in Istanbul since 2008.

inside outside 13 Subat 2012

inside outside 13 Subat 2012

14 Şubat 2012
inside outside 6 Subat 2012

İnside Outside'da bu hafta Azerbaycan'in siyasi durumu, Türkiye-Azerbaycan iliskileri ve Arzu Geybullayeva'nın blogcu ve danışman olarak yaptığı çalışmalarını tartıştık. Today we discussed Azerbaijan's political situation, Turkey-Azerbaijan relations and the activities of our guest Arzu Geybullayeva mainly as an independent blogger and consultant. For more information about her work, visit:

inside outside 6 Subat 2012

inside outside 6 Subat 2012

07 Şubat 2012
inside outside 30 Ocak 2012

Inside -Outside'da bu hafta El Pais Türkiye muhabiri Blanca Lopez Arangüena ile Türkiye – İspanya ilişkilerini tartıştık (siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel). This week we discussed with Blanca Lopez Arangüena, Turkey correspondent of Spanish daily El País Turkey – Spain relations (political, economic and cultural).

inside outside 30 Ocak 2012

inside outside 30 Ocak 2012

30 Ocak 2012
inside outside 26 Aralik 2011

Inside - Outside'da bu hafta Cambridge Üniversitesi'nde doktarasını yazan Marlene Schäfers'ı konuk ettik. Ağustos 2011'den beri Van'da saha çalışmaları olan Schäfers ile depremden sonraki durumu, yabancı yardım heyetlerinin tecrübeleri ve bazı STK'ların durumunu tartıştık, özellikle kadın dengbej derneğinin durumu Today's guest was German PhD candidate Marlene Schäfers (Cambridge University) who has been living in Van since August 2011 for research purposes. We talked with her about the current situation in Van, the experience of foreign aid teams and the situation of some NGOs especially the women dengbej association.

inside outside 26 Aralik 2011

inside outside 26 Aralik 2011

24 Ocak 2012