Immanuel Wallerstein

03 Ağustos 2006
The State of Israel was established in 1948. Ever since, there has been continuous violence between Jews and Arabs in Israel, and between Israel and its neighbors.
02 Haziran 2006
In 1941, Henry Luce proclaimed the twentieth century the American century. And most analysts have agreed with him ever since. Of course, the twentieth century was more than merely the American century.
22 Mayıs 2006
Walls are in the press again, and are controversial again - walls on the border between the United States and Mexico, walls to encircle Israeli settlements in the West Bank. These are walls that people in authority advocate building.
07 Mart 2006
The level of agitation is rising everywhere, and the world-system has never been more anarchic than now. We may be going over the edge.
16 Şubat 2006
Much of the discussion about Iran's nuclear program is quite simply hysterical. Witness the statement of Sen. John McCain just this month: "There's only one thing worse than military action and that's a nuclear-armed Iran."
02 Ocak 2006
Whatever one thinks of Bush's politics, there is no ques­tion that, at the start of 2005, he had arrived at the pinnacle of his authority. He had just been reelected and the Republican Party controlled both houses of Congress.
18 Ekim 2005
The Bush regime is in the middle of a political mudslide, both nationally and internationally. Two almost simultaneous geological mudslides that occurred this month - one in Guatemala and one in Kashmir - have reminded us of how terrible they are.
19 Eylül 2005
The entire world has been following with stupefaction the incredible performance of the U.S. federal government's response to the physical and human disaster of the hurricane Katrina.
31 Ağustos 2005
ABD'nin Irak savaşını kazanması üç şey gerektiriyordu: Irak direnişini yenmek; ülkede ABD'ye dost istikrarlı bir hükümetin kurulmasını sağlamak; ve ilk ikisini yaparken ABD halkının desteğini sürdürmesini mümkün kılmak. Artık bu gereklerden hiç birini yerine getiremeyecek gibi görünüyor.
02 Ağustos 2005
The China story is in many ways more well-known in the United States, and of greater concern to the U.S. Congress, the U.S. media, and the general public.
01 Temmuz 2005
We know now that George W. Bush confided to one of his friends before he was president that he wanted a war with Iraq and that, unlike his father, he would get rid of Saddam Hussein. And so he has.
15 Haziran 2005
On May 29, 2005, the French voted in a referendum not to ratify the proposed European constitution. Three days later, Dutch voters did the same. In both cases, the margin was solid.
02 Haziran 2005
When you're a powerful country, it's hard not to play with fire. But the Bush regime has been particularly reckless. Take for example the triangle Iran, Iraq, the United States. The history is well-known. The first famous CIA intervention anywhere was in Iran, way back in 1953.
16 Mayıs 2005
Was it really George W. Bush who was the guest of honor at the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of V-E Day in Moscow on May 8, 2005?
13 Mayıs 2005
There was an old Chinese torture called Ling chi, a death by a thousand cuts. The cuts are all small, but in the end the person dies. This is what is happening to U.S. dominance of Latin America.
25 Nisan 2005
Papa II. John Paul'ün cenaze töreninde, son elli yıl içinde, yalnızca John F. Kennedy'nin 1963'deki cenaze töreni ile kıyaslayabileceğimiz, olağanüstü bir şekilde kutsanması, bu Papa'nın ve genel olarak papalığın dünya tarihindeki rolüne dair birçok tartışmaya neden oldu.
19 Nisan 2005
The Catholic Church has indeed survived the most incredible series of transformations of world social structures over two millennia. How has it been able to do it?
05 Nisan 2005
The newspapers these days tell us that George W. Bush is concerned with his historical legacy. For what will he be remembered by historians writing twenty-five years from now?
21 Şubat 2005
Kuzey Kore nükleer silahlara sahip olduğunu resmen açıkladı ve bunların teslimi için tartışmayı düşünmüyor bile. İran, hâlâ nükleer silah üretmek niyetinde olmadığını iddia ediyor, ancak elde ettiği ilerlemeden vazgeçmeyeceğini belirtiyor. Peki ABD ne diyor? ABD ne diyeceğini bilmiyor ve bocalıyor.
15 Şubat 2005
North Korea has now said officially that it already has nuclear weapons, and is not at all interested in discussing giving them up. Iran still claims it doesn't intend to make nuclear weapons.
20 Ocak 2005
Mahmoud Abbas has been elected President of the Palestine Authority to succeed Yasir Arafat. Will this make any difference? Is the creation of a Palestinian state nearer? Are the possibilities of an Israeli-Palestine agreement nearer? Many hope so, but the chances are thin.
10 Ocak 2005
ABD, Bush 2001 yılında iktidara geldiğinde zaten düşüşe geçmiş olan hegemonik bir güçtü. Bush, ilk dört yıllık hükümet döneminde, Amerika'nın dünyadaki pozisyonunu, düzeltmeye çalışırken, çok daha kötüleştirdi.
05 Ocak 2005
George W. Bush dört yıllığına ikinci kez yeniden seçildi. Açıkça ifade etmiş olduğu için, ABD yerel siyaset sahnesinde nelerin peşinde olacağı oldukça açık. Daha fazla vergi kesintisi için bastıracak. Sosyal güvenlik sisteminin başarabildiği kadarını özelleştirmeye çalışacak.
04 Ocak 2005
George W. Bush has been reelected for a second term of four years. It is rather certain what policy he will pursue on the U.S. domestic scene, since he has announced it clearly. He will push for further tax cuts.
15 Aralık 2004
Ever since Richard Nixon went to China on Feb. 21, 1972 to visit Mao Zedong, the world's geopolitical alignments have never been the same. The meeting represented a spectacular shift in geopolitical hostilities of the post-1945 period.
02 Aralık 2004
Elections have become the commonplace of the modern world. Almost every country holds elections, and repeatedly. Furthermore, almost every country claims that they are a democracy.
21 Kasım 2004
George W. Bush has been reelected President of the United States, and he has increased his margin of support in both houses of the Congress. What happens now - in the United States, in the world?
21 Kasım 2004
Whoever is President of the United States, the basic political dilemmas of the Middle East will be the same in the coming five years. There are three loci of crucial happenings and probable major shifts in the coming period: Iraq, Iran, and Israel/Palestine.
18 Ekim 2004
The U.S. elections on November 2 will be a referendum on George W. Bush and the war in Iraq.
01 Ekim 2004
When George W. Bush constructed his "axis of evil," he listed Iran along with Iraq and North Korea as one of the three countries of which he was speaking. The U.S. subsequently invaded Iraq. And the U.S.