Immanuel Wallerstein

01 Mart 2011
The wind of change is now truly worldwide. For the moment, the epicenter is the Arab world, and the wind is still whirling ferociously there. No doubt, the geopolitics of this region will never be the same.
17 Şubat 2011
The WSF spent the week cheering the Egyptians on - and discussing the meaning of the Tunisian/Egyptian revolutions for their program of transformation, for achieving another world that is possible - possible, not certain.
08 Şubat 2011
The second Arab Revolt has been brewing for some years now.
12 Ocak 2011
The media are telling us that the economic "crisis" is over, and that the world-economy is once more back to its normal mode of growth and profit.
21 Ekim 2010
Sözlükte zenofobi ya da yabancı düşmanlığının tanımı "tanınmayan insan ve yabancılarla veya farklı ve tanınmayan her şeyle ilgili hissedilen korku ve nefret" şeklinde veriliyor. Dünyanın her yerine yayılıyormuş gibi görünen bir salgın hâlinde.
21 Ekim 2010
The dictionary defines xenophobia as "fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign." It seems to be an endemic plague everywhere in the world. But it infects larger numbers of people only sometimes. This is one of those times.
18 Ağustos 2010
Latin America has been the success story of the world left in the first decade of the twenty-first century.
18 Mayıs 2010
Fear is the most pervasive public emotion in most of the world today. This fear is not irrational, but it doesn't necessarily lead to wise ways of handling the presumed dangers. The way it operates can be clearly perceived in two notable events of the recent past.
06 Mayıs 2010
Europe has had its nay-sayers since it started on the long road to unification. There were many who believed it impossible. And there were many who thought it undesirable.
04 Mart 2010
Everyone is discussing what Fortune magazine is calling the "Greek maelstrom" and everyone is pointing the finger at someone else. Whose fault is it?
17 Şubat 2010
You know you're living in a chaotic situation when (1) the mainstream media are constantly surprised by what is happening; (2) short-term predictions by various pundits go in radically different directions and are stated with many reserves; (3) the Establishment dares to say things or use words that
03 Kasım 2009
The war in Afghanistan is a war in which whatever the United States does now, or that President Obama does now, both the United States and Obama will lose. The country and its president are in a situation of perfect lockjaw.
10 Eylül 2009

September 10 2009Znet

24 Haziran 2009
Now that President Obama has put his weight so openly and publicly behind the concept of a two-state "solution" for the Israel-Palestine controversy/struggle, such a "solution" may well be achieved in the coming years.
14 Nisan 2009

1 April 2009

17 Şubat 2009

15 Februaray 2009

05 Şubat 2009
Obama is off to a very shaky start. The belief that he is ready to push for a fundamental remaking of America has weak evidence in its favor, despite his intelligence and his intellectual openness. The United States is getting good grammar. It needs bold remaking.
16 Ocak 2009
In the sixty years of its existence, the state of Israel has depended for its survival and expansion on an overall strategy that combined three elements: macho militarism, geopolitical alliances, and public relations. The three-element strategy of Israel is decomposing.
17 Kasım 2008

15 November 2008

24 Ekim 2008

The depression has started. Journalists are still coyly enquiring of economists whether or not we may be entering a mere recession. Don't believe it for a minute. We are already at the beginning of a full-blown worldwide depression with extensive unemployment almost everywhere.

08 Şubat 2008
The ideology of neoliberal globalization has been on a roll since the early 1980s. It was not in fact a new idea in the history of the modern world-system, although it claimed to be one.
16 Mayıs 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy, just elected President of France, asserted in his initial post-election statement that France has chosen change. To claim that one stands for change is not unusual among those who come to power. Did Sarkozy mean it, and if so, what did he mean by it?
04 Ocak 2007
President George W. Bush has been proclaiming for a month now that he is in search of a "new strategy" for "victory" in Iraq, and that he is consulting far and wide about what this strategy will be.
19 Aralık 2006
Subcomandante Marcos said last month that Mexico is "on the eve of a great uprising or a civil war." He is continuing "the other campaign" launched by the Zapatistas.
05 Aralık 2006
Vietnam is today one of the few countries in the world where the U.S. Secret Service will allow Bush to travel in a public motorcade.
15 Kasım 2006
George W. Bush is a high-stakes gambler. When high-stakes gamblers lose, they lose big. George W. Bush has lost big - in Iraq and in the United States.
02 Ekim 2006
Last month, Pope Benedict XVI made a speech in his old university, Regensburg, in Germany. In this speech, he included a brief section in which he quoted an obscure 14th-century Byzantine emperor, who made a hostile analysis of Islam.
04 Eylül 2006
When many years ago, some of us said that the decline of United States hegemony in the world-system was inevitable, unstoppable, and already occurring, we were told by most people that we ignored the obvious overwhelming military and economic strength of the United States.
16 Ağustos 2006
The United States decided to use force against Iraq in 2003. Israel decided to use force against Lebanon in 2006. In both cases, the governments made these decisions, calculating that they could surely win the military conflict, and win it quickly.
07 Ağustos 2006
Aslında İsrail'in 1948'den beri izlemekte olduğu strateji iki ana unsura dayanır: güçlü bir askeri varlık ve güçlü Batı desteği. Bu strateji bugüne kadar bir amaca hizmet etmiştir: İsrail'in hâlâ ayakta olmasına. Gerçekte sorun, bu stratejinin daha ne kadar süre işe yarayacağıdır.