Amy Goodman

16 Şubat 2009

12 Februaray 2009

Democracy Now

09 Ocak 2009
İsrail uçakları Filistinlilere acilen bulundukları yerleri terketmelerini söyleyen broşürler dağıtsa da, belki de dünyanın nüfus yoğunluğu en fazla olan bölgesi Gazze Şeridi'nde yaşayan 1.5 milyon Filistinlinin, kaçacak, saklanacak bir yeri yok.
07 Ocak 2009


6 January 2009

30 Aralık 2008
eports indicate that 350 people have been killed and 1,400 injured in the aerial strikes across the Gaza Strip since Saturday morning.
24 Aralık 2008

23 December 2008


03 Aralık 2008
President-elect Barack Obama introduced his principal national-security Cabinet selections to the world Monday and left no doubt that he intends to start his administration on a war footing.
26 Kasım 2008
You may not have heard much lately about the disaster in the Gaza Strip. That silence is intentional: The Israeli government has barred international journalists from entering the occupied territory.
10 Kasım 2008

Democracy Now

November 5 2008

23 Haziran 2008
The floodwaters are rising, swamping cities, breaching levees. Tens of thousands are displaced. Many are dead. No, I am not talking about Hurricane Katrina, but about the Midwest United States.
23 Mayıs 2008
As the U.S. presidential race continues, so does the arms race worldwide. People — civilians, children — are being killed and maimed, on a daily basis, by unexploded cluster bombs and land mines. Thousands of nuclear missiles remain at hair-trigger alert.
06 Mart 2008
An interview with international water guru Maude Barlow and clips from the new documentary Flow: For Love of Water.
03 Mart 2008
On the Sunday following Sept. 11, 2001, Vice President Dick Cheney told the truth. On NBC's "Meet the Press," he said regarding plans to pursue the perpetrators of that attack: "We have to work the dark side, if you will. We're going to spend time in the shadows."
01 Şubat 2008
Attorney General Michael Mukasey sipped his water nervously. It was the first time he was testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee since his controversial confirmation. At issue then and now: torture.
26 Ocak 2008
It's the deadliest conflict since World War II. More than 5 million people have died in the past decade, yet it goes virtually unnoticed and unreported in the United States.
03 Ocak 2008
Benazir Bhutto and her supporters who died with her during the suicide attack Dec. 27 are the latest victims of decades of dangerous U.S. support for Pakistan's military regime. The country's dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, has held his grip on power despite increasing popular unrest.
13 Aralık 2007
The Nobel Peace Prize was awar
06 Aralık 2007
United Stations Radio Networks