Medea Benjamin

04 Ekim 2024
Açık Gazete'de Ömer Madra ve Özdeş Özbay, Code Pink adlı büyük barış kuruluşun kurucularından ve yöneticilerinden, Özgürlük Filosu’nun destekçilerinden, Yahudi antisyonist aktivistler Medea Benjamin ve Tighe Barry ile bir araya geliyorlar.
23 Şubat 2011
Here in Madison, Wisconsin, where protesters have occupied the State Capitol Building to stop the pending bill that would eliminate workers' right to collective bargaining, echoes of Cairo are everywhere.
07 Şubat 2011
Our first attempt to buy flowers for the demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square was thwarted by a crazed-looking guy with a gun in one hand and a homemade spear in another (pruning shears taped to a broomstick, to be exact).
16 Aralık 2010
TIME Magazine readers chose Julian Assange as Person of the Year. Hands down. But Time's editors preferred to go with the safer choice: Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The loser in this contest is Time Magazine. Hands down.
14 Aralık 2010
On the way to participate in a rally organized by the international peasant group Via Campesina in Cancun, a Bolivian indigenous farmer took some coca leaves out of his hand-woven satchel and pressed them into my hand.