Le Monde diplomatique

27 Eylül 2007
Totaliter ülkelerde resmi tavrı devlet belirlerken, demokrasilerde resmi çizgi zımnen gösterilir. İfade özgürlüğünün korunduğu demokratik ülkelerde çoğu tartışma örtülü normlara takılıyor; propagandayı da kavram, kabul ve teslimiyet üreten halkla ilişkiler endüstrisi yapıyor
16 Ağustos 2007
Last month a major US hedge fund, Amaranth Advisors, lost more than half its assets in a week, speculating on natural gas prices.
13 Ekim 2006
La proposition de loi socialiste visant à sanctionner la négation du génocide arménien a donc été mise à l'ordre du jour de l'Assemblée nationale française (le 12 octobre).
13 Ekim 2006
Il y a trois semaines à Istanbul, par une journée venteuse et pluvieuse, je comparaissais devant la justice.
12 Ekim 2006
Serious troubles have erupted in the Pakistan province of Baluchistan since the assassination of an opposition leader in August. Pressure for independence is growing in this region bordering Iran and Afghanistan, which challenges Pakistan's authority. By Selig S Harrison
14 Nisan 2006
The Chinese government made it clear at the UN climate change conference in Montreal last December that it was aware of the extreme dangers that China faces from both immediate and long-term climate change. By Agnès Sinai
06 Ekim 2005
The general election on 18 September will change Germany's political landscape permanently, although the outcome is in doubt. Will the Christian Democrats win enough seats to govern with the support of the Liberals, or form a coalition with the Social Democrats?
02 Kasım 2004
The race between the presidential election candidates in the United States is close. George Bush's policies in his first term mainly benefited the rich but surprisingly he is most popular in the poorest states, which were former union and Democrat strong holds.
14 Temmuz 2004
The Zionists decided to set up their state in Palestine, at the centre of the Arab world. This was a dangerous choice. There were plenty of warnings about the danger, not least from non-Zionist Jews, who for a long time were very much in the majority.
13 Temmuz 2004
Which energy source will we use in future? Despite forecasts of a change to nuclear power, oil will continue to play a key role. According to the International Energy Agency demand will increase by 1.9% a year, from 80m barrels a day in 2003 to 120m in 2020.
12 Mayıs 2004
In April 76% of Greek Cypriots voted against the United Nations reunification plan and 65% of Turkish Cypriots voted in favour, rejecting Turkish nationalism. This Greek chauvinism means the island stays divided, though its entry to Europe would have helped reunification.
04 Mart 2004
ABD George Bush'un karşısına çıkacak Demokrat Parti adayını belirleme sürecinden geçiyor. İçeride ve dış dünyada Bush'a karşı duyulan düşmanlık, bize onun öteki Amerika'nın sözcüsü olduğunu, onu destekleyen çok sayıdaki kişinin varlığını unutturuyor.
12 Eylül 2002
The aftermath of the terrorist attacks has revived imperialist ideology in the United States, rather than caused it to query its world role. Writers do not hesitate to draw parallels between their nation and ancient Rome, which they hold to be a model for world domination in the 21st century.